Brave Learning

Stronger Together Idea Book

We have entered uncharted territory in these strange times. Covid-19 has wrought some profound changes in our lives and it may be a long while before things return to the familiar, if ever. Now that people are more homebound than ever, many families are turning to homeschooling and wondering how they can do it. While …

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Blog Brave Events

Salah: Salve for the Soul

A talk by Ustadh Abid Ishaq on how to attain khushu’ in salah, how to seek strength through it, how to protect and preserve it and how to remain in salah in between the prayers. If you are unable to play the talk in this browser, you may access the talk HERE.

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Brave Learning

My Quranic Cornerstone

Laying the Foundation for Quranic Studies at Home by Umm Abdullah and Umm Shanze The thought of studying the tafseer of the Quran with my child, from al-Fatihah to An-Naas, is a daunting idea. It overwhelms me and prevents me from taking even the first step. Then, not beginning at all becomes a constant source …

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Brave Talk

Quran With Heart

Brave Learners conducted its third event on 20th April 2019: Quran With Heart, an interactive workshop by Umm Aymun. She is a veteran homeschooler of three daughters aged 10-17, who have made the Quran an integral part of their home education. This  workshop was a  wonderful opportunity for Islamabad mums to meet and gear up …

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Brave Talk

Blessed Blueprint

Brave Learners’ second event took place on 17th March 2019. The Brave team was privileged to have Ustadh Abid Ishaq conduct a workshop entitled “Blessed Blueprint – The Mission & Promise of Surah Al-Qadr”. Muslim homeschoolers often long to establish an Islamic core to their curriculum. It sometimes seems like a daunting task. Like the …

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Brave Learning

Brave beginnings…

Years ago, when I was a new homeschooling mother and new to Pakistan, I felt quite alone. It was just me and my two girls and we were quite the oddballs. I didn’t have a master plan, I didn’t have a lot of experience and I sure as anything didn’t know if I could pull …

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